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Housing Initiative
*Applications are now closed for these programs until 2025
The Neighborhood Maintenance Program reimburses homeowners up to $1,000 in matching funds for the purpose of materials and equipment rentals required to renovate the exterior of their property. This program is operated on a first-come, first-serve basis and funding priority will be given to structures in the greatest need of revitalization. Applicants are only allowed to apply for the program on one property, one time per year.
Eligible improvements include exterior painting, siding replacement, windows, doors, gutters, roof repair/replacement, landscaping revitalization, driveway repair, patio or deck repair/replacement, sidewalk repair, etc. All projects MUST be exterior, and visible to those passing by.
Demolition Cost-Share Program intends to assist Downs homeowners with demolition costs of blighted structures within the City. The Demolition Cost-Share Program reimburses homeowners up to $1,000 in matching funds for the purpose of demolition of blighted structures within the City of Downs. This program is operated on a first-come, first-serve basis and funding priority will be given to structures in the greatest need of revitalization. Applicants are only allowed to apply for the program on one property, one time per year.
Contact Us
Miranda Robinson, City Clerk
715 Railroad Street
Downs KS 67437
The Demolition Cost-Share Program and Neighborhood Exterior Maintenance Programs will reimburse projects as funds allow. Applications not approved due to the depletion of funding allocations, will be reconsidered the following calendar year. Applicants are encouraged to reapply.