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Organizations in Downs

Downs Historical Society and Railroad Foundation

Randy Dubbert, President

Don Miller, Treasurer

Meetings are held the 4th Sunday of every month

at the Historic Downs Depot at 2 p.m.

All are welcome!

Membership and Donation Form

Historical Society Bricks Are Back! Sign up here



Downs Chamber of Commerce

Mandy Burda, President

Don Miller, Vice President

Cheryl Goheen, Secretary 

LaRhea Cole, Treasurer

Glenda Rothchild, Membership

Meets 1st Wednesday of each month at

State Bank of Downs basement


Downs Community Connection

Collin Jones, President

Linda Miller, Vice President

Cheryl Goheen, Treasurer

Kelly Meyer, Secretary

Board Members:

Crystal Cline

Jennifer Bowles

Miranda Robinson

Meetings are held at the Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall

on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7 p.m., unless noted otherwise.

Contact us at

*Check out the Facebook page: 



Knights of Columbus

Jim Neihouse, Grand Knight

Meet 2nd Wednesday of each month at the

Catholic Church basement


Waconda Lake Association

Waconda Lake, located just six miles east of Downs, offers great fishing and hunting for both small game and big game, as well as a variety of water sports.


Downs High School Alumni Association

Jerry Knouf, President

Barbara Rannebeck, Vice-President 

Ginna Garey Sharp, Secretary 

 Kelly Meyer, Treasurer 

Meets as needed at Alumni Building

To become a member send info

& dues to P.O. Box 93, Downs KS 67437

$10 per person per year


Downs Arts Council

Sherry Knouf, President

Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

Meeting place - Downs Carnegie Library


Downs Rotary Club

Jesse Janssen, President

Meet every Tuesday at noon

Meeting place: State Bank of Downs

 *unless otherwise noted


Downs Lions Club

Allen DeBey, President

Meets on the 1st & 3rd Monday's of each month

Meeting place: Christian Church


Downs Enterprises

John Cary, President

Meets when needed as events dictate


Xi Theta Sorority

Ces Reinert, President

Meet 2nd & 4th Wednesdays in September,

October, March, April

Meet 2nd Wednesdays in Nov., December,

January, February, May

Meeting place - members’ homes


Downs Senior Citizens, Inc.

Quarterly meeting at the

Downs Senior Center

514 Morgan Avenue


Downs Golf Club

For tournament information

Contact Cory at 785-454-6267

For Club House rental

Contact Charlene at 785-454-6267 (H)

785-545-5582 (C)


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